Weeds can overtake and destroy your lawn if not treated in the correct way. Many people may choose to simply mow over the weeds with the rest of the lawn, which may have the desired effect in the short term. However, if the weeds are seeding this may instead spread the infestation to other parts of the lawn. Weeds in the lawn will also stand out, often appearing a different colour or texture to the lawn and may sometimes also have flowers.

Pulling weeds by hand is often an easy option if there are only a few and you are diligent to remove the entire root and ensure no seeds are lost to the area at the time of disposal. Alternatively, a chemical treatment may be a necessary solution if the infestation has got out of control or is extensive. The important part in ensuring the success of the chemical treatment will depend on the type of chemical, the type of lawn, type of weed and the time between mowing.

DO NOT treat weeds in lawn with Round-Up, Zero or any other glyphosate-based treatment.
DO NOT treat weeds at the same time as mowing.

Weeds in the lawn are generally a broadleaf variety and as such should be treated with a broadleaf killer, such as Kamba M. Treatment should be as per the directions on the packet and at least two days either before or after mowing. However, if your lawn is a broadleaf variety, such as Sir Walter or Buffalo lawn then Kamba M will kill the lawn as well as the weeds. In this case, you will need to you a specialised Buffalo Lawn Selective Weed Killer such as Yates Buffalo Pro. This chemical will also kill weeds in any lawn, so if you are not sure what chemical to use, this is a safe however not necessarily cheapest bet.

These methods will address, most broadleaf weeds – clover, bindii etc.

With chemical intervention, weeds may take up to two weeks to die depending on the season. Once they are dead, weeds will be removed on consequent lawn mows or may be easily removed by hand or relevant garden tools in future garden maintenance.