Terms and Conditions
Terms & Conditions Tregea Landscaping (TL)
Agreed Rates

PLEASE NOTE: these rates do not include tip fees, sprays, plants, mulch or any other additional materials that may be required during the works.
PLEASE NOTE: 50% deposit required before commencement of work for quotations over $1650.00 incl. GST.
Whilst every precaution is made to avoid damage, it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure properties to be serviced are free of wires, cables, toys, rocks and other debris. TL cannot be held responsible for damage arising from rocks or long grass (e.g. broken windows or sprinkler heads) and these incidents will not be refunded or replaced. TL can refuse to continue or commence work on a property where excessive debris is present in the area to be serviced.
In agreeing to this work I consent to employees of TL accessing the property as required to complete the job and leaving it in a neat and tidy condition, unless otherwise agreed.
Following conclusion of the work an invoice will be issued. Payment is required within 14 days of receipt of invoice. If payment has not been received (or remittance thereof) TL may reissue the invoice with late fees attached.
✓ Cash
✓ Credit Card
✓ Direct Deposit:
Tregea Landscaping and Garden Maintenance
NAB BSB 085995 Account No. 75-100-8628
If for any reason the client wishes to dispute the amount for payment, they must do so within 24 hours of completion of works, at which time any concerns may then be addressed.
✓ Price does not include replacement of plants or additional work required due to extreme weather or vandalism or the like.
✓ TL will take all necessary care to avoid damage to underground services. In the event of accidental, unavoidable damage, repairs will be charged as a variation. Additional works to those discussed or described in this document will constitute a variation on completion of the works.
✓ TL will take all necessary care to avoid damage to property. In the event of accidental, unavoidable damage arising from debris when mowing or whipper snipping TL cannot be held responsible.
✓ Payment is due as per terms stated and can be made via cash, cheque, direct deposit, or via MYOB Online Payment Portal.
✓ Overdue payments will incur financial charges and any charges related to debt recovery until paid in full.
✓ 50% deposit required on acceptance of quote/before commencement of work for quotations over $3,300.00 incl. GST.
✓ Warranty – where warranty is required for faulty products, only the value of the product as issued by the manufacturer is covered. Labour to attend to the works will be charged to the client in addition, unless this is covered by the manufacturer’s terms.